Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman

I closed my eyes and opened them in a world of Georgian charm.  This story transported me into the heartbreak and wonderment of a 12-year old girl. 

When do you know that an author has crafted a story so well written?  For me it is when I am seeing or feeling the story through one of the characters and am so invested in the "what's next" that I just cannot put the book down.  That is exactly how I felt while reading "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt".  I found myself with tears streaming down my face in sadness, in happiness; I laughed out loud; I was angered and a page later touched by the raw emotion of kindred spirits.

There are just not enough good things to say about CeeCee and the journey she finds herself on.  What begins with the burden of a young girl trying to manage and live with a mother who is spiraling hopelessly into psychosis while her father all but abandons the family to work, alcohol and implied marital infidelities; turns into a tale of emotional healing. 

The road is bumpy getting there and along the way we are introduced to memorable characters who, like a beautiful lace pattern, surrounds a young girl and allows her to blossom into what she was always destined to be...happy.

Pick this one up!  To read more about this book or the author visit


  1. Hi LissaLou,

    Thank you so much for your beautiful review of my novel. I'm delighted that you enjoyed CeeCee's story and appreciate your kind words.

    Oletta, CeeCee and the whole gang from Savannah are waving hello to you!

  2. You are quite welcome Miss Hoffman! I'd venture a guess this has been my favorite feel good story of the year! I normally pass on books to my mother and I am sure she is going to delight in reading this as well.

  3. Oh wow. Lovely review. This sounds great.

    I love when I'm so invested it hurts to put the book down.

  4. That's lovely, thank you! I hope you mother enjoys CeeCee too.
