Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011: Resolution - Wish - Theme???

I've noticed quite a few of my friends and contacts are thinking about how they are going to start off another new year in their life.  Some of us make resolutions.  That's a great idea and kudos to all of those that can make and keep those.  In years past I have been known to make no resolutions at all or go the complete opposite and make a dozen resolutions in hopes that one or two would be things that I would actually make a habit and keep up with.  Confession time....I am not a good resolution keeper!  I am a pro at making a resolution but fall somewhat short on my carry through.

Looking further, I know some people make New Year wishes.  Well that is nice and sweet.  Not trying to be condescending, but I try to wish good things all the time.  Some call wishes hopes or prayers, but either way you think about them, it's still a nice sweet thing.  For the new year I want to do something more "substantial", more "definitive" than just wish because truth be told, I wish on the first star I see every night that there is a clear sky and have done so for as long as I can remember.  I wish on pennies that I find on the ground and pick up (find a penny, pick it up, and all day I'll have good luck).  Shoot when I find a larger denomination coin my wish value really sky rockets because I simply replace the word penny with whatever I find, let's say quarter, and my all day good luck is magically multiplied by the value of the coin.  So for a quarter, I get good luck for 25 days.  It works for me! :)

Then there is a trend I see growing - the New Year's theme!  I think I like it!  The theme could anything that you would like to improve on or pay special attention.  Some I have noticed others leaning towards are being thankful, or making more time for family, or simplifying.  All great ideas!  So I started thinking today what is the one thing that I could focus on this coming year that would really make a difference in my life and hopefully carry over to affect the lives of others? The one thing that kept coming to my mind was simply "DO"!  Yes, a two-letter word D - O. 

Now there are many of my family and friends who may think that I am always doing this or that and never take time to just relax and do nothing.  But when I think of DO, I think of all the things I have thought of doing and just let slip by and never acted on.  Some are simple things that would only take a moment.  For example today, when I thought of my 2011 theme, the first thing that came to mind was the task of opening a Christmas savings account.  Easy!  Been thinking that I should do this for probably 15 years or more.  Open an account, have a small amount of money automatically transferred from my checking into a saving account that I could use at the holidays to fund my shopping and not put a crimp in my pocketbook.  Well, my good intentions always stopped at the thought and never took me into the bank to make it happen.  How much effort could I possibly think it would've taken me to do this?  It's not like the banker wants a pint of blood or proof I can solve a Sudoku puzzle (which I can thank you very much).  Even as I considered opening that account today during my lunch, I had that negative talk in the back of my head that I wouldn't have time or the bank would be crowded at lunch, etc.  So I went online and guess what?  You can open an account online and it took less than 5 minutes.  Now one of my do's is done and I feel pretty good. 

Feeling good about myself is a nice thing, the better I feel, the better I treat others.  When I treat others more nicely, they are more pleasant.  When they are more pleasant...well maybe they will pay the good feelings forward?!  Could it be that my "DO" will be my opportunity to pay it forward?  I hope so and who knows maybe it just all started by opening up a $25 account?

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