Sunday, December 26, 2010

Giving it a go!

Being a follower of several blogs and having found such a spirit of comraderie and openness, I wanted to jump on the band wagon so to speak.  My only dilemna in starting a blog is 1: What to title it?  You wouldn't think that would be a big deal, want it to be all encompassing yet simple. 2. What to blog about? Again, most blogs that I read follow a theme of some sort. 

In my opinion, a blog should reflect a topic the author is passionate about and that left me with an even bigger problem!  As a person who is mostly introverted, spends an enormous amount of time alone, I have found myself in a bit of "passion funk".

Over the years I have had activities and ideas that fit the bill but for one reason or another, most have faded into the background and are now shrouded by my self-imposed fog.  So it is with this blog, which I will assume will be mainly for the reading of my family, that I will just begin my journey into authoring a blog to simply share the moments of my life whether big or small, exciting or not so much so. 

If this leads to something more focused, well good - but if not, this will my open door to you to share in my life. 

Please feel free to leave comments, advice, or just a smile and may I add "Welcome aboard".

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogging world my sweet cousin. I am so excited for you to begin this new journey. What a blessing. Three posts and you have already given me so much to take away. Your theme is you!! I can't wait to see just where this new journey is going to take you.
    Love you bunches,
