Already this is my 5th weekly recap and although five is not a lot, it means that five weeks have gone by in a blink of an eye! Time waits for no one, time doesn't say "hold on Melissa needs to _______", we don't get second chances for 'do overs' if today isn't what we wanted it to be, if what we are doing or who we are doing it with isn't making us happy and moving us forward...what are we doing wasting that time?
This is something I have been trying to learn over the years and have taken it a step further this year by paying special attention to the little things that bring me moments of gratitude. Here we go, Feb 20-26, 2011:
Over the weekend I started a tiny bit of spring clean-up in my yard by cleaning up some of the dead perennials so that when the weather warms up the yard is ready for a new season of growth. With that being said, I was not wearing my work gloves and wound up getting several stickers in my right thumb. Most were sticking out that I could get hold of, but one was under the skin and not being left-handed I was having difficulty working it out. After about three days I went over to my mom's house and had her do what mom's do...dig splinters out of their kids! So thanks Mom, I am grateful you can still skillfully work a needle without causing too much pain! :)
I believe it was Monday although it could've been Tuesday I received a call from Nathan. Our conversation lasted about an hour and a half and was the source of so many giggles (for me). Who knew my bestest friend was a danger to society? Ha ha ha, Canada! Oh, this just tickles me to death. Nathan, you are just a gem and I wouldn't know what I would do without you? You, my dear, I am thankful for more than you will ever know! 'Cause apparently we don't talk about those sorts of things. ILY
One big ticket item that I am super enthusiastic and grateful for this week is my trip to Seattle that has been planned, scheduled, and airline tickets secured that will be taking me to see my best friend the second weekend of September. Can I get a whoop whoop....
This may sound a bit Sesame Street-ish, but I am thankful for the letter "Q" this week! My first Q was a dear dear friend, Quentin, who I reconnected with this past week. The sheer joy that filled my heart was overflowing and I cannot wait to build on that friendship again! My second Q was the Panera Bread employee, Quanita, who asked me just today, when I gave her my phone number to look up my Panera Bread Card account, if I was Victoria's sister? My daughter, Victoria, frequents this Panera daily as she works just next door, since we both use the same phone number on our separate cards, we always have to specify the card the purchase is to be credited to, whether Melissa or Victoria. Well, Quanita knows Victoria from her frequent visits and when she pulled up our number and saw her name there with mine, she assumed we were sisters! It felt good to say "Nope, I am her mom."
A big thank you shout out goes to Peyton and Sasha who left me a gift card on the kitchen counter of their home in appreciation of my efforts in the arena of food, water, kitty box clean up and play time. Not sure how you two knew I was wanting to visit Hobby Lobby again, especially you Sasha! But again...thank you and I will see you tomorrow - same time - same place!
There were lots of little things this week and could go on and on, but will leave it at what is above for this week. Pay attention and acknowledge your own 'thankful' things, it will change you attitude in ways you won't believe.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Feb 20-26 Weekly Recap: Gratitude!
Sleep: Where Art Thou?
I am an early bird by nature. Generally up prior to 5:15 in the morning with no help from an alarm clock, although it is set for 5:20 just in case. However...for the past several weeks I have been in a battle, albeit a losing one, with my feline companion Puff.
Puff....what can I say? He will not and I repeat not stop pawing at doors at night. Won't do it! I have looked into this problem that others have had with their cats as well. General consensus is one of two things, 1. It's a scratching issue and a scratching post should be used. Well let's just say, my cat hasn't had nails for over 13 years and doesn't walk around scratching anything. I see him stretch his fingers on my front door rug maybe once a day. Or the other popular reason for this annoying behavior is 2. Territorial. They (the cats) want into a room for no other purpose than because it is their territory and they want access. Okay, I can buy into that. Honestly I can! We are all territorial creatures by nature. My only issue is that my cat, the beloved Puff, paws at a door that is open. Well he doesn't just paw at that door but it's been his favorite the past two weeks.
He goes into our third bedroom, which is by and far unused although furnished, and sits in front of the open door and paws it! This doesn't just go on for a minute or two, that I could deal with. This goes on for 1/2 and hour or more before my sleepy aggravated self starts to get frustrated. As soon as he hears the squeek of my bed frame, knowing that I am going to get up, he waltzes into my bedroom smug as a bug and sits down or jumps up on my bed for a bit. I fall back to sleep and we play this game all over again.
He has been known to paw at my daughter's bedroom door at night as well, which she keeps closed, but for whatever reason he gives up after 10-15 minutes and that is it for that door for the night. Puff has also learned to be really funny (not) by closing my bedroom door which always remains open. He will grab the door with his hand to close it and then nudges it till it is nearly all the way closed, then will sit there and paw at the backside of that door as if he now wants to get out. Here comes the "funny" part. As soon as I would sit up to open the door to let him out, he will grab the door with his paw...pull it open enough and slip out. Ha ha ha! He is a funny funny cat!
My patience is wearing thin and my sleepiness is getting the best of me. If I could pay someone to keep him awake all day long while I am at work it may well be worth it, just so he knows how it feels and then is forced to sleep at the same time of day that I do.
Anyone have thoughts or suggestions?
Puff....what can I say? He will not and I repeat not stop pawing at doors at night. Won't do it! I have looked into this problem that others have had with their cats as well. General consensus is one of two things, 1. It's a scratching issue and a scratching post should be used. Well let's just say, my cat hasn't had nails for over 13 years and doesn't walk around scratching anything. I see him stretch his fingers on my front door rug maybe once a day. Or the other popular reason for this annoying behavior is 2. Territorial. They (the cats) want into a room for no other purpose than because it is their territory and they want access. Okay, I can buy into that. Honestly I can! We are all territorial creatures by nature. My only issue is that my cat, the beloved Puff, paws at a door that is open. Well he doesn't just paw at that door but it's been his favorite the past two weeks.
He goes into our third bedroom, which is by and far unused although furnished, and sits in front of the open door and paws it! This doesn't just go on for a minute or two, that I could deal with. This goes on for 1/2 and hour or more before my sleepy aggravated self starts to get frustrated. As soon as he hears the squeek of my bed frame, knowing that I am going to get up, he waltzes into my bedroom smug as a bug and sits down or jumps up on my bed for a bit. I fall back to sleep and we play this game all over again.
He has been known to paw at my daughter's bedroom door at night as well, which she keeps closed, but for whatever reason he gives up after 10-15 minutes and that is it for that door for the night. Puff has also learned to be really funny (not) by closing my bedroom door which always remains open. He will grab the door with his hand to close it and then nudges it till it is nearly all the way closed, then will sit there and paw at the backside of that door as if he now wants to get out. Here comes the "funny" part. As soon as I would sit up to open the door to let him out, he will grab the door with his paw...pull it open enough and slip out. Ha ha ha! He is a funny funny cat!
My patience is wearing thin and my sleepiness is getting the best of me. If I could pay someone to keep him awake all day long while I am at work it may well be worth it, just so he knows how it feels and then is forced to sleep at the same time of day that I do.
Anyone have thoughts or suggestions?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Aluminum Rectangle
This past week I have started trying something a bit new for me; preparing my lunch in the morning, packing it up and bringing it to work with me instead of eating out each day. In all honesty, even though I have packed nearly the identical lunch each day, I still enjoy it more!
This evening after I got off work, I headed to the grocery store and stocked up on some items that could easily be taken for lunch and am feeling a twinge of excitement (how odd that the thought of lunch possibilities is my Friday evening excitement) about trying to eat a bit healthier and saving money at the same time. Win-Win!
Now there are those out there packing their lunch in a brown paper bag, a small cooler, maybe just bringing in a microwave meal each day...there are those who may carry the classic "construction worker" lunch box, or maybe the trendy Bento Japanese style stackable lunchtrays (which I not so secretly long for), but for me...I am carrying my 1985 Aladdin brand Care Bear Cousins aluminum lunch box with original Thermos.
Yes my co-workers have commented! I just smile!
This evening after I got off work, I headed to the grocery store and stocked up on some items that could easily be taken for lunch and am feeling a twinge of excitement (how odd that the thought of lunch possibilities is my Friday evening excitement) about trying to eat a bit healthier and saving money at the same time. Win-Win!
Now there are those out there packing their lunch in a brown paper bag, a small cooler, maybe just bringing in a microwave meal each day...there are those who may carry the classic "construction worker" lunch box, or maybe the trendy Bento Japanese style stackable lunchtrays (which I not so secretly long for), but for me...I am carrying my 1985 Aladdin brand Care Bear Cousins aluminum lunch box with original Thermos.
Yes my co-workers have commented! I just smile!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Ear to Ear
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Cows just remind me of college. |
Today was another connection that was special. This one goes back to college. Preferring not to give away information that this person may not want posted on the World Wide Web, I shall keep all things nameless and discreet. Let's just say, I had sent message to this person 6 months or so ago and had not heard back. My initial reaction was that the person preferred not to acknowledge the past. Although that was sad for me to consider, I can understand that and harbored no ill feelings at all. Lo and behold, I come home this evening, fire up the 'puter and wham bam!!! There is a reply! Smiles as big as the East is from the West expand over my face and I read my mail. I am overjoyed to learn my friend has enjoyed a happy life, is married, has a daughter, and has great grammar. :)
Anyone who has received an email from me in the past may realize that when I sit before a blank page and have things on my chest, I let it flow and words and sentences turn into paragraph after paragraph and before ya know it....there's a novella in works! This is what I did this evening! Hopefully my long windedness (this may not be an actual word) doesn't discourage a second reply. But when 26 years have gone by there is so much to catch up on, you can't possibly do it under a million words or so.
Yay, that's all I can say! What an awesome way to end my day!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Feb13-19 Weekly Recap: Gratitude!
Sometimes finding gratitude in your week is easy and other times you have to really search. Sure we are all grateful for family and friends and all the "big stuff" but my weekly recaps are for the littler items that so often go by the wayside and get forgotten after a week or month passes by. This week found me with lots of tiny seeds of happiness. Here we go, Feb 13-19, 2011:
*I am so grateful for "Charles". Charles is the name I have given to the British male voice I have chosen on my Garmin (GPS). So often I have sat at home trying to plan my day and crossed things off my possibility list because I didn't think I could find my way there and back. With the assistance of "Charles", I can now go anywhere and even if I still take a wrong turn...well, he just starts ~recalculating~! Thank you Charles!
* After weeks and weeks of snow cover, the thaw happened and lo and behold, I was able to see my grass again. Bonus to the thaw and snow melting, my daffodils and other bulb flowers are beginning to push up. Spring is on the way!
* For nearly a year I have been scouring antique stores trying to find the perfect bedside lamp for my room. This week it was found. Although not a true antique, the strongly patina'd bronze lamp with interesting shade made a perfect find.
* Monday and Tuesday nights this week was the annual Westminster Dog Show. Watching this 6-hour event has become a tradition that I enjoy so much. So even though my Valentine's Day seems to always be lacking in one area, I always have the dog show to look forward to! :)
* What's better than sunshine? Well, I know lots of things are just as nice, but I received lots of sunshine this week via Mother Nature and also a little sunshine from my friend Jennifer Williams. Jen went on vacation to Florida last week and she brought me back a trinket. A stuffed sunshine with a sweet smiling face that I have sitting in my area at work. It is amazing how one brightly colored and happy item can transform your whole space.
* This past week I purchased a handmade hobo bag from Affordable Bag Designs. Anticipating it's arrival, I tracked it online and was more than pleased when it arrived. The quality of this purse was just fabulous! Having an original purse that is so brightly colored for Spring was the perfect way to get all organized in this area. With the help of three small bags that were gifted to me a few weeks prior, I have a totally cool purse with nothing out of place, no digging or cursing as I search for the phone ringing in the bottom of my purse! Definitely recommend taking a peek on Etsy if you have never visited there before.
* Grateful for a peaceful week at work was a big highlight! Maybe it's the fairy dust I have been sprinkling??? So grateful for that and also for being able to get caught up with everything that had been piled in my to do pile.
* Lastly, I spent Saturday morning doing a little shopping with my sister, Jenn. We visited Hobby Lobby and Home Goods. I could have gone hog wild! There were so many things that I could've purchased even though I didn't need any of it. So many great things in those two stores. That was my first ever trip to Hobby Lobby and second visit to Home Goods. Whenever I plan to redecorate or spruce up any room or corner...these will be my first stops and most likely my last.
Well, that is it for my recap this week. Notable mention, if you haven't tried keeping a list or journal of things during your day/week that you are grateful for, I would highly recommend it. Why? Sometimes we get so bogged down with the things that tick us off or put us in a funk. When you make note of the little things that are nice and you can look back over them, it brings things back in perspective. By finishing up my Saturday's focusing on the positive parts of my past week, the not so good things take a back burner and quite frankly don't play as big of a part as they used to.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead with many things that you will be thankful for! Thanks for visiting!
*I am so grateful for "Charles". Charles is the name I have given to the British male voice I have chosen on my Garmin (GPS). So often I have sat at home trying to plan my day and crossed things off my possibility list because I didn't think I could find my way there and back. With the assistance of "Charles", I can now go anywhere and even if I still take a wrong turn...well, he just starts ~recalculating~! Thank you Charles!
* After weeks and weeks of snow cover, the thaw happened and lo and behold, I was able to see my grass again. Bonus to the thaw and snow melting, my daffodils and other bulb flowers are beginning to push up. Spring is on the way!
* For nearly a year I have been scouring antique stores trying to find the perfect bedside lamp for my room. This week it was found. Although not a true antique, the strongly patina'd bronze lamp with interesting shade made a perfect find.
* Monday and Tuesday nights this week was the annual Westminster Dog Show. Watching this 6-hour event has become a tradition that I enjoy so much. So even though my Valentine's Day seems to always be lacking in one area, I always have the dog show to look forward to! :)
* What's better than sunshine? Well, I know lots of things are just as nice, but I received lots of sunshine this week via Mother Nature and also a little sunshine from my friend Jennifer Williams. Jen went on vacation to Florida last week and she brought me back a trinket. A stuffed sunshine with a sweet smiling face that I have sitting in my area at work. It is amazing how one brightly colored and happy item can transform your whole space.
* This past week I purchased a handmade hobo bag from Affordable Bag Designs. Anticipating it's arrival, I tracked it online and was more than pleased when it arrived. The quality of this purse was just fabulous! Having an original purse that is so brightly colored for Spring was the perfect way to get all organized in this area. With the help of three small bags that were gifted to me a few weeks prior, I have a totally cool purse with nothing out of place, no digging or cursing as I search for the phone ringing in the bottom of my purse! Definitely recommend taking a peek on Etsy if you have never visited there before.
* Grateful for a peaceful week at work was a big highlight! Maybe it's the fairy dust I have been sprinkling??? So grateful for that and also for being able to get caught up with everything that had been piled in my to do pile.
* Lastly, I spent Saturday morning doing a little shopping with my sister, Jenn. We visited Hobby Lobby and Home Goods. I could have gone hog wild! There were so many things that I could've purchased even though I didn't need any of it. So many great things in those two stores. That was my first ever trip to Hobby Lobby and second visit to Home Goods. Whenever I plan to redecorate or spruce up any room or corner...these will be my first stops and most likely my last.
Well, that is it for my recap this week. Notable mention, if you haven't tried keeping a list or journal of things during your day/week that you are grateful for, I would highly recommend it. Why? Sometimes we get so bogged down with the things that tick us off or put us in a funk. When you make note of the little things that are nice and you can look back over them, it brings things back in perspective. By finishing up my Saturday's focusing on the positive parts of my past week, the not so good things take a back burner and quite frankly don't play as big of a part as they used to.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead with many things that you will be thankful for! Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Being a Survivor
Many seasons ago, television changed when Survivor entered and helped pave the way for all these "reality" shows. For the first few seasons, I was a die-hard Survivor watcher but after some time I faded to a casual watcher, only catching an episode when nothing else on tv caught my fancy. Some seasons I just couldn't get into any of the players and skipped it altogether.
Tonight begins a new season of Survivor. The players are in Nicaragua and it's Redemption Island and for two past players it's another shot of surviving 39 days at camp and trying to take the prize! The all-time player, Boston Rob, who you love or hate...not much middle ground; and Russell, who I think everyone just hates :). I'm gonna watch the show tonight and see how it "feels" before making a commitment.
One thing that has perplexed me over and over again, is the attire some of the women players show up in to go live on an island primitive style. Why would I choose to wear a low-cut dress, jewerly and heals? Makes no sense to me unless your only game play to to play the female sex object card. But honestly you only have a limited amount of clothing and supplies and I would think wasting even one article of clothing from the beginning is not playing the game smart.
Isn't life kinda like the Real Life Reality Survivor? There are the players you love; the ones you hate; you show up in the wrong clothes totally unprepared. Sometimes you are left out in the cold (or heat) with nothing to protect you - you are exposed to all the elements. You need to trust someone but may not know who. Perhaps you are hungry for something (either food or information) and you only have the bare minimum for long periods of time. You tire, you become grumpy, you are scared, you search, you "play the game" the best you can and still come up short over and over. Somehow some succeed, some fail, but what are some of the things that keep the strong in the game?
Teamwork. Maybe our real life survivor team is our family, friends, co-workers, schoolmates; whoever they are we need to work together with them on the common goals that will help all of us. If we work against any of the people in any of the individuals teams we have how can the outcome be anything but good? Sure in the end things may end in the expected manner, but if people aren't happy getting there, was it really a success or was it "just the way it is"?
Patience. Perhaps in real life survivor if we learned to sit back, access a situation, see problems or opportunities from many different angles or perspectives maybe we could make better decisions. How many times do we speak or act before we really know what's going on? Maybe we are being 'romanced' by someone who is a good talker but the words they speak are lies or just uninformed? Is there something that is sparkly or shiny and we are lulled into a sense of seeing a thing that looks good but it's really just a facade?
Well this season looks like it could prove interesting, I think I am in! I think we'll be revisiting this topic of real life survivor again!
Tonight begins a new season of Survivor. The players are in Nicaragua and it's Redemption Island and for two past players it's another shot of surviving 39 days at camp and trying to take the prize! The all-time player, Boston Rob, who you love or hate...not much middle ground; and Russell, who I think everyone just hates :). I'm gonna watch the show tonight and see how it "feels" before making a commitment.
One thing that has perplexed me over and over again, is the attire some of the women players show up in to go live on an island primitive style. Why would I choose to wear a low-cut dress, jewerly and heals? Makes no sense to me unless your only game play to to play the female sex object card. But honestly you only have a limited amount of clothing and supplies and I would think wasting even one article of clothing from the beginning is not playing the game smart.
Isn't life kinda like the Real Life Reality Survivor? There are the players you love; the ones you hate; you show up in the wrong clothes totally unprepared. Sometimes you are left out in the cold (or heat) with nothing to protect you - you are exposed to all the elements. You need to trust someone but may not know who. Perhaps you are hungry for something (either food or information) and you only have the bare minimum for long periods of time. You tire, you become grumpy, you are scared, you search, you "play the game" the best you can and still come up short over and over. Somehow some succeed, some fail, but what are some of the things that keep the strong in the game?
Teamwork. Maybe our real life survivor team is our family, friends, co-workers, schoolmates; whoever they are we need to work together with them on the common goals that will help all of us. If we work against any of the people in any of the individuals teams we have how can the outcome be anything but good? Sure in the end things may end in the expected manner, but if people aren't happy getting there, was it really a success or was it "just the way it is"?
Patience. Perhaps in real life survivor if we learned to sit back, access a situation, see problems or opportunities from many different angles or perspectives maybe we could make better decisions. How many times do we speak or act before we really know what's going on? Maybe we are being 'romanced' by someone who is a good talker but the words they speak are lies or just uninformed? Is there something that is sparkly or shiny and we are lulled into a sense of seeing a thing that looks good but it's really just a facade?
Well this season looks like it could prove interesting, I think I am in! I think we'll be revisiting this topic of real life survivor again!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Westminster Dog Show: Melissa's Calls Night #2
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Cocker Spaniel (Black) |
They are bringing out the first group of dogs tonight and that will be the Sporting group:
- due to a phone call during this group, I only noted my faves as they were being shown. 1. Brittany, 2. Gerrman Wirehaired Pointer, 3. English Setter, 4. Clumber Spaniel, 5. Spinone Italiano, 6. Parti-Color Spaniel, 7. Sussex Spaniel, 8. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon.
Winner of the Sporting group was the Cocker Spaniel (Black). Always a good little doggie, I just love some of the larger dogs in this group a bit more.
Getting ready to bring out the Working group, here is my play by play :)
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Portugese Water Dog |
2. Great Dane - Awesome looking, very tone.
3. Komondor - Just love the whole package, although I would never want to deal with the upkeep!
4. Leonberger - Wow, love this new breed introduced. I may need one of these?
5. Saint Bernard - One of the most gorgeous dogs! She may be my pick for this group!
6. Standard Schnauzer - Oh my, love the coloring. It's getting tough!
Hmmmm....gonna go out on a limb and choose my pick as the Leonberger. Well I am not starting off good again! Looks like the Portugese Water Dog has taken top dog!
Last group for the night is the Terrier group. Let's see who the last winner is before Best in Show!
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Fox Terrier (Smooth) |
2. Dandie Dinmont Terrier - I so much love this dog! I can see me with one of these dogs! How cute can you get???
3. Lakeland Terrier - Think this dog had a pretty nice showing, I'm buying what he is selling!
4. Parson Russell Terrier - What a great little dog, he is just perfect.
5. Welsh Terrier - Picture perfect.
6. West Highland White Terrier - Always a cute dog, especially when they are in their show cut.
If I called this by my favorite in this group I would say the Dandie Dinmont. Here it comes...the verdit is...Smooth Fox Terrier. I stink at calling winners!
I have managed one correct "pick" out of the seven groups. I am prejudice though, some breeds will always be my favorite even if they aren't the closest to their breed standard. After looking over the seven dogs that will be in competition for Best in Show, I am sticking with my early pick and calling the Bearded Collie as my #1. Man this is gonna be hard though, all the dogs are so wonderful (I would say that if it was a show of mutts as well).
Westminster 2011 Best in Show winner is...Scottish Deerhound! Awesome! Congrats to the owner, handler and breeder and biggest congrats to the lovely lovely Hickory. On her last year of competition she won the big one!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Westminster Dog Show: Melissa's Calls Night #1
Every year I watch the Westminster Dog Show and love every minute!
First group tonight is the Hound group. And my faves tonight are.....
1. Basenji - Looked great tonight
2. Bassett Hound - Adorable
3. Borzoi - Absolutely gorgeous
4. Dachsund (wirehaired) - Very cute expression, watch those feet go!!
5. Greyhound - Always a favorite! As a past Greyhound owner I am always rooting them on!
6. Irish Wolfhound - He looked just beautiful
Okay, there they were, now before they come back and announce the Best in Group, I would have to say in my opinion the Basenji was shown very well. Let's see....Well the Basenji wasn't even called out for the final cut! First Place goes to the Scottish Deerhound! That was nice, it is this dog's final year of competing!
Next up the beloved (and one of my favorites) the Toy group! I may have a long list of faves :)
1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - What is ever wrong with a Cavalier? Nothing!
2. Chihuahua (Long Haired) - What a cutie in this breed being shown, loved it!
3. Havanese - Looked very nice as well.
4. Japanese Chine - Probably the 2nd cutest Chin I've seen (I own the cutest!)
5. Maltese - Always just a beautiful dog, but who keeps their dog like this unless it is a show dog?
6. Papillon - Great showing with those ears! Just a gorgeous dog!!!
7. Pomeranian - They have the happiest faces ever!
8. Shitzu - Loved the coloring of this one, just flowingly gorgeous.
Now that all the Toys have been shown, my personal fave was the Papillon! Of course the Poodle and Pekinese are essentially shoe-ins every year, but ya never know. Let's see....and the Pekinese grabs the win again. Who'd of guessed? :)
Next group tonight is the Non-Sporting group:
1. Bishon Frise - Cute just wraps it up in one word.
2. Dalmation - Good looking dog, just wish he had a few more spots on his forehead/face.
3. Lhasa Apso - Great looking Lhasa.
4. Tibetan Spaniel - I love this breed, just looks like a little fiesty dog!
5. Tibetan Terrier - My favorite breed in this group, just a beauty.
The Lhasa Apso would be my pick in this group. And the winner is....the Shar-pei. Wow! I am not doing very well now am I?
The final group to be judged this evening is the Herding group:
1. Bearded Collie - Wow, he is just stunning! Love love love!
2. Belgian Malinois - Great looking.
3. Bouviers Des Flandres - Just something about a scruffy big dog that makes me want one!
4. Old English Sheepdog - Love the roundness and softness of this breed.
5. Pembrooke Welsh Corgi - Just a terrific, happy-go-lucky pup. Love those huge perky ears!
6. Polish Lowland Sheepdog - Another great looking dog!
7. Shetland Sheepdog - All around gorgeous dog, love just about eveything about 'em.
After looking over the dogs I "liked" there seems to be an abundance of sheepdogs! Even with that said, I have to make my pick for this group the Bearded Collie. They are getting ready to announce the group winner and it is....the Bearded Collie!!! My first good call of the night! I might jump ahead and pick this one as Best of Show for tomorrow's night finale.
Well if you have actually read down to this last sentence or two, I will presume you are my mom! Until tomorrow night's show....
First group tonight is the Hound group. And my faves tonight are.....
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Scottish Deerhound |
2. Bassett Hound - Adorable
3. Borzoi - Absolutely gorgeous
4. Dachsund (wirehaired) - Very cute expression, watch those feet go!!
5. Greyhound - Always a favorite! As a past Greyhound owner I am always rooting them on!
6. Irish Wolfhound - He looked just beautiful
Okay, there they were, now before they come back and announce the Best in Group, I would have to say in my opinion the Basenji was shown very well. Let's see....Well the Basenji wasn't even called out for the final cut! First Place goes to the Scottish Deerhound! That was nice, it is this dog's final year of competing!
Next up the beloved (and one of my favorites) the Toy group! I may have a long list of faves :)
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Pekinese |
2. Chihuahua (Long Haired) - What a cutie in this breed being shown, loved it!
3. Havanese - Looked very nice as well.
4. Japanese Chine - Probably the 2nd cutest Chin I've seen (I own the cutest!)
5. Maltese - Always just a beautiful dog, but who keeps their dog like this unless it is a show dog?
6. Papillon - Great showing with those ears! Just a gorgeous dog!!!
7. Pomeranian - They have the happiest faces ever!
8. Shitzu - Loved the coloring of this one, just flowingly gorgeous.
Now that all the Toys have been shown, my personal fave was the Papillon! Of course the Poodle and Pekinese are essentially shoe-ins every year, but ya never know. Let's see....and the Pekinese grabs the win again. Who'd of guessed? :)
Next group tonight is the Non-Sporting group:
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Shar-Pei |
2. Dalmation - Good looking dog, just wish he had a few more spots on his forehead/face.
3. Lhasa Apso - Great looking Lhasa.
4. Tibetan Spaniel - I love this breed, just looks like a little fiesty dog!
5. Tibetan Terrier - My favorite breed in this group, just a beauty.
The Lhasa Apso would be my pick in this group. And the winner is....the Shar-pei. Wow! I am not doing very well now am I?
The final group to be judged this evening is the Herding group:
1. Bearded Collie - Wow, he is just stunning! Love love love!
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Bearded Collie |
3. Bouviers Des Flandres - Just something about a scruffy big dog that makes me want one!
4. Old English Sheepdog - Love the roundness and softness of this breed.
5. Pembrooke Welsh Corgi - Just a terrific, happy-go-lucky pup. Love those huge perky ears!
6. Polish Lowland Sheepdog - Another great looking dog!
7. Shetland Sheepdog - All around gorgeous dog, love just about eveything about 'em.
After looking over the dogs I "liked" there seems to be an abundance of sheepdogs! Even with that said, I have to make my pick for this group the Bearded Collie. They are getting ready to announce the group winner and it is....the Bearded Collie!!! My first good call of the night! I might jump ahead and pick this one as Best of Show for tomorrow's night finale.
Well if you have actually read down to this last sentence or two, I will presume you are my mom! Until tomorrow night's show....
Little Sprinkles of Sunshine
What a difference a little sunshine and warmth can do for a person! The past month or longer, the Midwest had been in the grip of some pretty nasty weather. We've been the lucky winners of snow, sleet, freezing rain, blizzard, a few small earthquakes, and a tsunami (ha ha ha, not really but we get everything else). Anyway...more than any of the other elements that we've faced, we really haven't had sun or a warm day in so long that this weekend was a treat to be savored! In fact this Monday morning it is not even 7am and it is over 40 degrees. Heck, we hadn't seen 40 degrees as a high since who knows when!
So when I woke up this morning and got all my household chores done before work, straightened my hair (which I rarely do before going to work) and still found enough time to get in here and write....well, something has changed and all I can think of is the weather! The mini blinds are open today instead of closed to keep out the cold, I am not going to wear a jacket today, I have on a skirt and not corduroy or wool pants.
Hoping Spring is on it's way to stay, and Winter waits to come again until next December!
So when I woke up this morning and got all my household chores done before work, straightened my hair (which I rarely do before going to work) and still found enough time to get in here and write....well, something has changed and all I can think of is the weather! The mini blinds are open today instead of closed to keep out the cold, I am not going to wear a jacket today, I have on a skirt and not corduroy or wool pants.
Hoping Spring is on it's way to stay, and Winter waits to come again until next December!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Feb 6-12 Weekly Recap: Gratitude
Whatta week! This has been a hard week for me, lots going on that left me mentally and emotionally exhausted each day. In fact most days, once I got home from work I didn't bother making dinner even. Just did a little computering and went to bed. Because of that, each day I was searching literally for something to write down on my "gratitude list" I keep on my laptop desktop. Luckily, Saturday saved me! Here we go February 6 - 12, 2011:
* Sunday, I did as many others, and was tuned into the Super Bowl. Couldn't tell you what happened as I really didn't watch a minute of the game, just tuned in to catch the commercials. But one thing I took out of the football game is being thankful for the "Underdogs". The Packers took the ring home and for me having the team that people didn't expect to win, do so, is priceless. No matter what the occasion, I always root for the underdog!
* Nothing says yummy breakfast more so than Honey-Butter melted into a Biscuit. Mmmmmm Good! Now don't mistake this for a homemade biscuit, 'cause this girl can barely cook....but a Pillsbury Grand Flaky frozen biscuit is just fine by me! Top that with equal parts of creamy butter mixed with a creamed honey (you may find creamed honey at Trader Joe's-fyi) and it is deliciouso!
* Had a situation this week where a friend stepped out on a limb and spoke up about something that was going on (sorry I cannot elaborate anymore out of respect for all those involved), but I am so very grateful to this person. She is a little dynamo and because of her bravery and hutspah, my week ended on a much higher note than it had started on. I am so grateful for new friends and old friends who make my life so special. Thank you!!
* SUNSHINE! Thank the Lord!!! St. Louis has finally broken out of the cold temps and duldrum grey skies; the sun has broken through and the melting of snow/ice has begun! This morning as I looked up to the sky, I saw what I thought was a part of a rainbow but it was just one little circular spot on a cloud that must have been refracting the sun's rays and there was a prism of color that seemed to brighten as I gazed. Sun glorious sun!
* Got myself a new hairdo today and topped it off with a fresh new shade of Golden Blonde! Have yet to style it to see what it is I have, but my asymmetrical one-length swing bob has been replaced with a just above the shoulder long-layered bobbity do-hicky cut :) Not sure exactly but I had layers cut in and some length cut off and a bang cut in although my bang length is down to my lip so I am not really sure why I or anyone else bothers to call it a bang?
* I was the recipient of a Valentine's gift today from my friend and cousin Robin. Three little handmade pouches to use in my purse and they are just spectacular. The colors are springy and the prints are fun and a little bit funky! I adore them and plan on having them help organize my purse and keep me from the daily digging to find the things that get hidden on the bottom of a purse. Thank you so much Robin, I love them!!!
It's now dinnertime on my Saturday, fixing to just "chill" for the evening and start a spectacular week tomorrow ... hope you will be joining me in doing the same!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Being Bigger
Sometimes friends are found in the most unexpected places (and people).
Sometimes the fear of competition or a threat of our own security will dissuade us from seeing that other person as just another person who is trying to get along the best they can too.
Reaching out and saying "Thanks" or just simply letting someone know you appreciate their efforts makes that person feel great and does alot for raising how you feel yourself.
That's all I have tonight...and it's enough.
Sometimes the fear of competition or a threat of our own security will dissuade us from seeing that other person as just another person who is trying to get along the best they can too.
Reaching out and saying "Thanks" or just simply letting someone know you appreciate their efforts makes that person feel great and does alot for raising how you feel yourself.
That's all I have tonight...and it's enough.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Realizing Blessings
This past week as I have read other friend's Facebook posts, have listened to other people's conversations, and have just pondered the BIG picture, I keep coming back to the thought of how we don't appreciate what we do have as a true blessing enough.
We all have our ailments that we complain about, be it a headache or creaky bones, perhaps a disease or some calamity that has afflicted our being that doctors do their best to just control so we can get through the days in as much comfort as possible. Not meaning to diminish these aches and pains, but there are people who do have it worse and even those who have something curable (in our culture) but tonight they will lay down to sleep and just not wake up tomorrow because they simply do not have access to healthcare at all.
Speaking of laying down, I am thankful to have a warm house that is safe for me to live in, with a bed and blankets to comfort me while I dream of sugarplums. How hard it is for me to imagine those who search for a shelter with an open bunk to sleep in at night and perhaps not finding that empty bed and having to curl up under boxes in a darkened corner of an alley.
While my refrigerator and freezer and cabinets are full of a variety of foods, some of which I will not eat before they spoil and have to throw out, there are children, elderly and entire families that have nothing. Some wait on the government red tape process in order to receive assistance with EBT cards or through the WIC program, while others proceed to their local food bank in hopes that those who are able to give have done so, so that they may bring home a box of foods to last them the next week.
These are just three things that most people take for granted, how often do we think about how blessed we are to just have what we do have? Speaking personally, not often enough. All to often, I complain because my health insurance rates keep going up but cover less, or that I turn my heat down to 66 degrees because the cost of keeping the house any warmer makes the bill even that much more, or that a 1/2 gallon of the good ice cream is $6.00 and it's not even a 1/2 gallon anymore anyway! When I should be saying "I am lucky to have health coverage, so many people don't." or "Wearing my robe in the house to keep the chill off sure beats being huddled in a corner outside in 12 degree weather."
Thank you to all my friends and strangers out there who help me realize that the things I take most for granted should be appreciated more. Nothing is guaranteed. Hopefully by taking the time to think about these things, I will be able to show more compassion and help others in need. If we all do one small thing for just one other person think what could be accomplished? We could transform our cities, our states, our country, the world. The worst that could happen? We could make one moment in time for one person a bit brighter. That is a blessing in itself.
We all have our ailments that we complain about, be it a headache or creaky bones, perhaps a disease or some calamity that has afflicted our being that doctors do their best to just control so we can get through the days in as much comfort as possible. Not meaning to diminish these aches and pains, but there are people who do have it worse and even those who have something curable (in our culture) but tonight they will lay down to sleep and just not wake up tomorrow because they simply do not have access to healthcare at all.
Speaking of laying down, I am thankful to have a warm house that is safe for me to live in, with a bed and blankets to comfort me while I dream of sugarplums. How hard it is for me to imagine those who search for a shelter with an open bunk to sleep in at night and perhaps not finding that empty bed and having to curl up under boxes in a darkened corner of an alley.
While my refrigerator and freezer and cabinets are full of a variety of foods, some of which I will not eat before they spoil and have to throw out, there are children, elderly and entire families that have nothing. Some wait on the government red tape process in order to receive assistance with EBT cards or through the WIC program, while others proceed to their local food bank in hopes that those who are able to give have done so, so that they may bring home a box of foods to last them the next week.
These are just three things that most people take for granted, how often do we think about how blessed we are to just have what we do have? Speaking personally, not often enough. All to often, I complain because my health insurance rates keep going up but cover less, or that I turn my heat down to 66 degrees because the cost of keeping the house any warmer makes the bill even that much more, or that a 1/2 gallon of the good ice cream is $6.00 and it's not even a 1/2 gallon anymore anyway! When I should be saying "I am lucky to have health coverage, so many people don't." or "Wearing my robe in the house to keep the chill off sure beats being huddled in a corner outside in 12 degree weather."
Thank you to all my friends and strangers out there who help me realize that the things I take most for granted should be appreciated more. Nothing is guaranteed. Hopefully by taking the time to think about these things, I will be able to show more compassion and help others in need. If we all do one small thing for just one other person think what could be accomplished? We could transform our cities, our states, our country, the world. The worst that could happen? We could make one moment in time for one person a bit brighter. That is a blessing in itself.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Jan 30-Feb 5 Weekly Recap: Gratitude
This week I haven't had the energy to get in and blog much, in fact I think I shall blame it all on the weather. The midwest is in the grip of a pretty firm winter. With that being said, most of my grateful items this week were centered around the big topic of weather. Here we go - January 30 through February 5, 2011:
* So thankful for products that melt our snow and ice! I have gone through three or four 50 pound bags of product so far this winter. Last year I think I only emptied one bag, maybe two. I find it imperitive to keep my sidewalk and driveway ice free for both myself and daughter as well as the mailman and anyone wanting to pop over. You will always find my area an accident-free zone.
* Normally we all berate the weathermen and women when they get that all so important forecast incorrect, but this time....I am thankful that the entire St. Louis weather team to include The Weather Channel called it wrong this past week! We were on the map as getting a triple punch: freezing rain, sleet, blizzard. Granted we got a bit of each condition, we did not get the 10-20 inches of snow (at least not at my door). So thank you Weather-guessers for getting it wrong this time!
* Thankful that my electricity seems to stay "on" more than my last residence. So Yay for that! Being powerless in the winter is not a great thing at all. Gonna keep my fingers crossed that thing continues in the future!
* Cheese! Thank God for cheese!
* On behalf of my outdoor bird population, they would like to thank pig's for being fat! Yep, I said it! This past week as I was home for a couple of snow days, I prepared breakfast which included thick-slab hickory bacon. I saved the abundant bacon grease, let it solidfy and then blended it together with other scraps and put it out for my fine feather friends. It was like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds in my yard for a while. Apparently pig fat is a big hit amongst the flight crew!
* Thursday and Friday I had training away from my office which did not allow me my normal lunch time jaunt home to let my dog, Jing-Mei, out for her midday potty break. She faired well both days, but the greeting I got upon entering each night was an overwhelming happy, kissy face welcome. She's is not much of a "licker" so to be the recipient of her Puppy Dog Kisses was special.
* Friday I said "See Ya Later" to one of my dear pals at work. Luckily my training class let go a bit early and I went back to the office instead of just heading straight home. So I am very thankful that I was able to give my friend an "until we meet up again" hug goodbye. Good luck JRob, I will miss our talks, "rock star" fist pumps, burping in your direction, telling you more than you always want to hear, and now that we aren't co-workers you may now kindly refer to me as nothing but a friend! Hugs and kisses to you my dear, stay outta trouble and I am so proud of you for stopping smoking this past year!
* Big boxes in the mail, twice in one week! Isn't it great to get a package in the mail, kinda feels like a mini-Christmas! One box merely stopped at my house and was redirected to another home (you should get it Monday - and you know who you are) and the other was two new books! Like I need those??? I don't but my gosh, there are just so many great books. I guess I should be thankful for all the prolific writers out there who keep me mentally entertained and engaged!
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