Monday, February 14, 2011

Little Sprinkles of Sunshine

What a difference a little sunshine and warmth can do for a person!  The past month or longer, the Midwest had been in the grip of some pretty nasty weather.  We've been the lucky winners of snow, sleet, freezing rain, blizzard, a few small earthquakes, and a tsunami (ha ha ha, not really but we get everything else).  Anyway...more than any of the other elements that we've faced, we really haven't had sun or a warm day in so long that this weekend was a treat to be savored!  In fact this Monday morning it is not even 7am and it is over 40 degrees.  Heck, we hadn't seen 40 degrees as a high since who knows when! 

So when I woke up this morning and got all my household chores done before work, straightened my hair (which I rarely do before going to work) and still found enough time to get in here and write....well, something has changed and all I can think of is the weather!  The mini blinds are open today instead of closed to keep out the cold, I am not going to wear a jacket today, I have on a skirt and not corduroy or wool pants. 

Hoping Spring is on it's way to stay, and Winter waits to come again until next December!

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