Friday, February 25, 2011

Aluminum Rectangle

This past week I have started trying something a bit new for me; preparing my lunch in the morning, packing it up and bringing it to work with me instead of eating out each day.  In all honesty, even though I have packed nearly the identical lunch each day, I still enjoy it more!

This evening after I got off work, I headed to the grocery store and stocked up on some items that could easily be taken for lunch and am feeling a twinge of excitement (how odd that the thought of lunch possibilities is my Friday evening excitement) about trying to eat a bit healthier and saving money at the same time.  Win-Win!

Now there are those out there packing their lunch in a brown paper bag, a small cooler, maybe just bringing in a microwave meal each day...there are those who may carry the classic "construction worker" lunch box, or maybe the trendy Bento Japanese style stackable lunchtrays (which I not so secretly long for), but for me...I am carrying my 1985 Aladdin brand Care Bear Cousins aluminum lunch box with original Thermos.

Yes my co-workers have commented!  I just smile!

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