Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Realizing Blessings

This past week as I have read other friend's Facebook posts, have listened to other people's conversations, and have just pondered the BIG picture, I keep coming back to the thought of how we don't appreciate what we do have as a true blessing enough.

We all have our ailments that we complain about, be it a headache or creaky bones, perhaps a disease or some calamity that has afflicted our being that doctors do their best to just control so we can get through the days in as much comfort as possible.  Not meaning to diminish these aches and pains, but there are people who do have it worse and even those who have something curable (in our culture) but tonight they will lay down to sleep and just not wake up tomorrow because they simply do not have access to healthcare at all. 

Speaking of laying down, I am thankful to have a warm house that is safe for me to live in, with a bed and blankets to comfort me while I dream of sugarplums.  How hard it is for me to imagine those who search for a shelter with an open bunk to sleep in at night and perhaps not finding that empty bed and having to curl up under boxes in a darkened corner of an alley. 

While my refrigerator and freezer and cabinets are full of a variety of foods, some of which I will not eat before they spoil and have to throw out, there are children, elderly and entire families that have nothing.  Some wait on the government red tape process in order to receive assistance with EBT cards or through the WIC program, while others proceed to their local food bank in hopes that those who are able to give have done so, so that they may bring home a box of foods to last them the next week. 

These are just three things that most people take for granted, how often do we think about how blessed we are to just have what we do have?  Speaking personally, not often enough.  All to often, I complain because my health insurance rates keep going up but cover less, or that I turn my heat down to 66 degrees because the cost of keeping the house any warmer makes the bill even that much more, or that a 1/2 gallon of the good ice cream is $6.00 and it's not even a 1/2 gallon anymore anyway!  When I should be saying "I am lucky to have health coverage, so many people don't." or "Wearing my robe in the house to keep the chill off sure beats being huddled in a corner outside in 12 degree weather."

Thank you to all my friends and strangers out there who help me realize that the things I take most for granted should be appreciated more.  Nothing is guaranteed.  Hopefully by taking the time to think about these things, I will be able to show more compassion and help others in need.  If we all do one small thing for just one other person think what could be accomplished?  We could transform our cities, our states, our country, the world.  The worst that could happen?  We could make one moment in time for one person a bit brighter.  That is a blessing in itself.

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