Sunday, January 9, 2011

Internet Withdrawal

Like many people who spend time on the computer, I am "on" everyday.  Usually the first thing in the morning after the pets are fed and pottied and coffee is made, you will find me online.  Specifically checking Facebook to see what may have happened in all my friends lives over night.  Checking Flickr for my contacts new photos and my Charter email are also on the list of things to check daily.  Well, I must be an addict.  Yesterday my daughter decided she was going to take the laptop with her as she was spending the night at a friend's house.  So from yesterday just after lunch until today at about 5pm, I was computer-less.  I didn't get online at all.  Let me clarify, I do have an old PC that is in our basement set up on a desk that is fully functional and our wireless is hooked to that so we can freely use the laptop upstairs.  But I honestly don't like sitting in my basement using that old behemoth.  Possibly once I get my basement put together that won't seem like such a horrible option, but for now, I prefer to sit on the couch or in bed while using the computer.  So for nearly 30 hours, I was disconnected from my internet world.  What happened?  Online, not a whole lot really.  People updated status, posted photos, told news of funny or sad circumstances, but nothing Earth shattering (forgive me friends if something you posted was Earth shattering to you).  What happened offline during that same timeframe for me?  I repainted and organized a closet, completed all the weekend chores on my list, baked cookies, went to my mom and dad's to drop off his birthday gift, did grocery shopping as well as treated myself to a gift, did some reading, slept and napped.  I did a lot of things.  Sometimes, I push off junkk on my list because the computer seems to make time fly by and before you know it hours have passed. 

Like tonight!  I got on the computer I think at 5:30pm and it is now nearly 8:00pm.  It's like a part-time job keeping up with all this stuff! :) 

There are people who say all this technology is bad and some who say its great.  I am one who thinks it is pretty dern awesome.  The ability to touch the lives of many friends, share in funny statuses, peek at their families in photos - whether I comment on each thing or not, is a blessing. Think about all those friends we are connected to because of this venue.  How many of them would you share these little things with individually?  A handful maybe, there just isn't enough time in our lives to maintain that sort of minute by minute details with each and every one.  Some people we are "friends" list may not even be friends any longer if it weren't for social sites like Facebook.  Between job moves, boyfriend changes, and the rest of life happening some people just fall out of our scope and poof they disappear.  But not anymore.  Now we can keep that thread of friendship alive.

Now that all the statuses of the last day or so have been gone over, blogs read, photos viewed and yes, dern games internet withdrawal has been satisfied once again.  Now if I could just catch up with my cousin Eddie playing Family Fued online I would be happy! :)

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