Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a New Year

Here it is 2011 already!  2010 was a good year despite some of the bumps and potholes on the road of life. 

Looking back to 2010, I rung in the New Year last year with my dearest friend Nathan.  We don't get to spend too much time together any longer as we live thousands of miles apart so I look forward to the day or two we get each year.  When he lived in town I took advantage of that, we hung out nearly everyday, he lived right next door! The day he got in his car to make the drive to his new home in Seattle was heart wrenching to me and every time I say see ya later since still brings tears to my eyes, I'm sad now just thinking about it. But...he's pursuing a dream and his happiness is mine. 

Shortly after the new year began last year I re-established contact with my cousin Robin.  Many people may not understand how a family as large as the one I belong to can go decades without seeing or talking to their family.  When I think about it, it baffles me as well.  It had been 30 plus years since I had last seen Robin!  Since that day, man what a road we have traveled!  We've only "gotten together" once since last January, but we have emailed and messaged so much (we are both chatty writers).  I know so much more about her, her thoughts, fears, joys, struggles.  It had been so long but the years we lost to time, have seemed to melt away and she has become one of my best friends, the person I go to with my inner self that I have never shared with anyone else. Her grace and spirit has filled me with a hope and joy that I may otherwise not have got experienced.  Having this beautiful person back in my life has been the biggest gift received this year. 

The "middle" part of my year was in most respects uneventful.  Some may find that boring, but it gave me time to do home improvements and just "be".  I didn't take in as many day trips as I normally like to do, looking back I wish I would've fit more into my schedule.  Definitely going to make that a bigger priority in this coming year. 

My dear doggie, Java Con Queso, passed away this summer completely and utterly unexpectantly.  Java was a six-year old Papillon who on outward appearances was a beautiful, smiley and lovable little pet.  Despite her incessant barking that was ear-piercing, the fact that she preferred to pee pee on her potty pad in the house instead of outside, and that she was just down-right mean to the cat...she was a funny girl and I still miss her so.  Not sure if my other two remaining pets do, as they have found a sense of quiet and calm now that the bossy alpha pet is not stealing their treats, toys and biting the sides of their heads just for the kicks of it. 

In September my daughter and I both celebrate our birthdays and to acknowledge that I, as a 44 year old, am the mother to a 20-year old is quite disturbing.  Not sure where those 20 years went to as it feels like I was in high school not too long back.  Growing up I always remember my mom saying this same thing and thinking she was crazy, of course she was old enough to have a child 20 years old because she was "old"!  Well when I was 20 my mom wasn't as old as I am now with my daughter and yet I am not "old".  Perspective certainly changes over the years now doesn't it! 

November came and I celebrated a one-year anniversary in my new home.  My "new" home is someone else's 50+ year old home but it is my first house and I couldn't be more proud to be a homeowner.  Honestly never thought there would come a day as a single mother that I would be able to afford a home of my own.  The bad economy, although it brought and continues to bring heartache and loss to other families, enabled me to get into my first home.  With falling home prices, the first time homeowners incentive, my VA loan benefit earned for my active duty in the Army, and a job that I have now worked at over 15 years, a dream was able to come true for me.  It took a long time for this girl to get to the place where I felt like I was providing adequately for my daughter in this respect and now pulling into the driveway feels me with such pride.  For over a year now I have had a bedroom and a closet!  Things a lot of people take for granted, but for 15-years, we lived in a one bedroom duplex and the bedroom belonged to my daughter.  I had a bed and clothes rack in the basement, but honestly spent most night sleeping on the couch.  Basements are scary no matter how old you are! :) 

The year wound down quietly.  My last living grandparent passed away just a couple days ago.  My G'ma Essie (my dad's mom) was 96 years old.  Unfortunately this was another member of my family who I have not seen for way too long.  Thinking back, the last time I can remember seeing my grandma was at my high school graduation in May 1984.  Tweny-six years.  I can't remember her voice or her smile.  What I most remember about my grandma is her clothes, the photos of my dad and his siblings displayed in her home, Christmases surrounded by aunts, uncles and cousins at her home. To the best of my knowledge she will be buried in Corning, Arkansas on Monday.  Yesterday the thought struck me that I no longer have a grandma or grandpa anywhere in this world.

The last minutes of 2010, I saw tick away with the same person I watched it come in on.  Nathan and I clicked glasses filled with sparkling grape juice as the ball came down.  Thank you Nate, and next year we've already agreed to do something "exciting". 

So as 2011 begins, I hope to make many more good memories with family and friends.  My wish to you all is may you be blessed with the love of family and friends, happiness in all your pursuits and good health. 

1 comment:

  1. What a gift you are. A beautiful gift to my life. 2011 will be a year we will grow even closer together and spend more time just being chatty. lol I love you sweet cousin. I have the same thoughts. No more grandparents. Although it brings a sadness, it also gives me hope to make more of life. To be involved more and reach out to those I have not seen and not take one moment for granted of those I do see daily.
    Love you sweet lady,
