Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Over the past weekend I had been going through some old photos on my computer and found a few I had taken of my old neighbor (Jeff) girlfriend's (Maggie) cat (Sinatra).  Maggie didn't live with Jeff, but she spent many days and nights there.  When she did stay over she brought her two cats along.  One cat, Sinatra, was allowed to roam the fenced backyard and bird watch.  My two dog's loved this cat and would just get all giddy upon seeing her.  In fact when they didn't want to come outside I would just mention Sinatra's name and like magic the excitement of being outside was present! 

Anyway, Sinatra is just the run of the mill grey striped tabby with beautiful blue eyes.  She was a gorgeous and polite cat and I would always talk to her and poke my fingers through the fence petting her.  One day she was out sunning herself in the overly long grass (Jeff was not a frequent mower) and I had my camera with me.  She was pretty close to the fenceline so I sat down opposite her and snapped a few photos.  I remember just loving the pictures but for some reason never mentioned to Maggie or Jeff that I had taken them.  As I said above, over the weekend I stumbled upon them again.  So I downloaded them to and had 5 by 7 glossies made.  I got a card, slid the photos in there with a short note to Maggie.  Monday I looked her address up on the internet while at work and dropped it in the mail. 

This morning one of the first calls I received at work was Maggie.  She was so touched that I had taken the photos and thought of sending them after all these years (about 3).  We chatted for a bit and she commented that Sinatra has been on a diet and is now down to 19 pounds.  Maggie and I definitely have one thing in common, fat cats! :)

What I learned today is that by just doing something simple that really requires no effort and sometimes no monetary value or very little as in this case, that you can just make someone's day and in doing so, can make your own day a bit brighter too. 

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