Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Serenity Now

So I've seen a fair share of Seinfeld....

It's a bit after 7pm on a Wednesday night, I am sitting on my bed with the computer on my lap. There is no sound other than the ticking of the kitchen clock and the pounding of my keyboard.  I am by far THE LOUDEST typer there ever was.  If anyone were to poll my workplace friends and ask them to say something about me, I am sure my typing would be mentioned a dozen times.  Along with my singing and compulsive neat desk tendencies.  So other than the tick and click going on in the background, I have peace.  No television, no radio, no traffic there are the occasional airplanes overhead as I live just a hop~skip~jump from the airport.  But having lived near this airport for most of my life, planes honestly don't bother me anymore and I rarely notice them unless it's one that makes my windows start rattling.

The past week, instead of sitting in my livingroom after dinner and watching tv and "computering", I have brought the computer in my room, piled my bed up with all the books that I am currently reading a bit of each night (of which there are five) and sit in the comfort of my space and relax.  This is really working for me well because I feel so much less stress in the evening.  I am growing to love my bedroom as I am filling it with things that say "home" to me.  Having gone 15 years without a bedroom of my own, this past year of having one has been nice.  It's nothing fancy, all of my furniture with exception of my bedside tables, are hand-me downs.  My rocking chair is from my Great Aunt May, the Chiffarobe (armoire) is from my mom, the dresser and chest of drawers is my Grandma Elizabeth, the bed belonged to an old boyfriends mother.  Most of the knick knacks and wall stuff, I have gathered just over the last year from antique stores.  All this combined though seems to make a perfect puzzle for me, it all just feels right. 

Sometimes it takes a while to feel comfortable in a place, I felt like I was home the day I bought this house last year.  Now that I am here, I can't imagine living anywhere else.  I just want to keep fixing it up just right so every corner has my mark.  My 2011 "project list" is long, nothing is earth shattering that anyone would probably even notice that I had done, none of it is going to be expensive.  That's the best kind of projects in my opinion!  This week I decided I was going to freshen up the closet in the 3rd bedroom.  Tomorrow I am going to pull up the very stylish red and black carpet in the bottom of the closet (not sure why, but all the closets had/have this atrocious carpet in them), Friday I plan to empty the closet out.  Saturday I am going to paint the inside walls and shelves.  Sunday is the put back together and organize the stuff day.  Since we basically use this closet as a coat closet and to store our vacuum cleaner, it's not going to be that difficult of a task.  Thinking about getting a set of matching coat hangars (I know...exciting!!!!)and a couple matching boxes to store our gloves, hats and scarves.  That should just about do it.  The other odds and ends in there now will need to find another home.

Yep, so this is my blog post today!  Just my thoughts and tonight I was thinking about this ;)

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